> SolarPaces 2022 Albuquerque
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Entrevista Sr. Jeroen van Schijndel
director comercial (Chief Sales and Marketing Officer) de Rioglass Solar
La energía termosolar, según fuentes del sector como los responsables de la empresa Rioglass Solar,presenta una serie de ventajas que ya están siendo valoradas por las Administraciones Públicas y las empresas eléctricas. En comparación con la fotovoltaica y la eólica, la termosolar almacena la energía captada en forma térmica por el campo solar para producir electricidad posteriormente en función de las necesidades de la demanda sin depender de si luce el sol o no. Ésta es tan solo una de ellas, pero el Sr. Jeroen van Schijndel nos explica el resto a través de esta entrevista.
2017-01-24 Entrevista Rioglass Solar: http://rioglass.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2017-01-24-Entrevista-Rioglass-Solar.pdf

La reunión de lanzamiento del proyecto europeo MOSAIC se celebró en Eibar los pasados 1 y 2 de diciembre de 2016. El objetivo de este proyecto consiste en diseñar, fabricar y validar un concepto de planta termosolar caracterizado por bajos costes de implementación y niveles máximos de eficiencia en fábrica en comparación con las actuales tecnologías. Servirá, además, para reducir el coste de producción de la electricidad (LCOE).
En concreto, los módulos MOSAIC constan de un innovador concentrador esférico fijo dispuesto en una configuración semi-Fresnel y por un receptor móvil con un sistema de accionamiento en lazo cerrado. Esta configuración reduce el número de partes móviles del sistema en su conjunto lo que permite bajar el coste del campo solar, manteniendo altos niveles de concentración solar. Esto asegura altas temperaturas de trabajo y por lo tanto, altas eficiencias del ciclo termodinámico y un uso más eficiente del sistema de almacenamiento térmico.
El Consorcio del proyecto está formado por 9 socios y 6 países de la Unión Europea que componen un equilibrado grupo multidisciplinar. Los socios de MOSAIC son IK4-TEKNIKER, (España), como coordinador, AMIRES Sro (República Checa), Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie (Belgica), COBRA Instalaciones y Servicios (España), CENER (España), Politecnico di Torino (Italia), Rioglass Solar (España), Senior Berghöfer GmbH (Alemania) y Sirea (Francia).
Durante la reunión de lanzamiento los socios iniciaron los trabajos técnicos para el desarrollo del concepto y analizaron las mejores estrategias para la explotación y difusión de los desarrollos. El proyecto tiene una duración de 48 meses.
Este proyecto ha recibido financiación de la Unión Europea dentro del programa Horizon 2020 de investigación e innovación bajo el acuerdo N. 727402.
Archivo PDF: https://www.rioglass.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/NP_KickOffProyectoMOSAIC_ES.pdf

Kick off meeting of a new Horizon 2020 project took place in Eibar (Spain), on 1–2 December, 2016. MOSAIC project aims to design, manufacture and validate an innovative CSP concept that will have low implementation costs at the highest plant efficiencies, compared to the current state-of-the-art technologies, and that will reduce the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE).
In particular, MOSAIC module consists of an innovative fixed spherical mirror concentrator arranged in a semi-Fresnel manner and an actuated receiver based on a low cost closed loop cable tracking system. This configuration reduces the moving parts of the whole system decreasing solar field cost while keeping high concentration ratios. This will assure high working temperatures thus high cycle efficiencies and a cost effective use of thermal storage systems.
The MOSAIC Consortium represents a multi-disciplinary group composed of 9 partners and 6 countries within the European Union forming an ideal and well-balanced team. MOSAIC partners are IK4-TEKNIKER, (Spain – Coordinator), AMIRES Sro (Czech Republic), Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie (Belgium), COBRA Instalaciones y Servicios (Spain), CENER (Spain), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Rioglass Solar (Spain), Senior Berghöfer GmbH (Germany), Sirea (France).
During the kick off meeting partners discussed technical issues related to the concept to be developed as well as potential dissemination and exploitation routes. MOSAIC project has a duration of 48 months.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727402.
PDF FILE: https://www.rioglass.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/NP_KickOffProyectoMOSAIC_EN.pdf

Rioglass introduces its next generation receiver and sets a new benchmark for thermal output efficiency Rioglass Solar is proud to introduce its cutting edge and unrivaled non-degradable receiver tube, the ‘UVAC X’. This next generation receivers provides our clients superior performance and sets a new benchmark for thermal heat production using parabolic trough technology.
To date, when modeling the electricity production of a plant, project developers assume a certain degradation of the Receiver’s coating efficiency over the lifetime of the plant.
Consequentially, developers have to increase the size of their solar field to compensate for the associated reduction in output, and to factor in the reduction in electricity production in their
plant’s financial model.
The Rioglass non-degradable ‘UVAC X’ now enables developers to dramatically increase their thermal energy production throughout the lifetime of their project, and to reduce the size of
their solar field without compromising on generated output. This enables developers to dramatically improve the LCOE (levelized cost of energy) of their CSP installations by both
increasing the electricity output of their plant and reducing the CAPEX of the plant at the same time.
PRESS RELEASE: 2016-11-07-rioglass-solar-systems-press-release-uvac-x

December 8, 2015, Brussels. Rioglass Solar, leading manufacturer of HCE receivers and mirrors used for Solar Thermal Energy (STE) and Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) technologies, has signed an agreement with Schott Solar CSP GmbH (Schott Solar), for the acquisition of its receiver business, including the company in Spain and the assets in Germany.
Jose M. Villanueva, Chairman of Rioglass Solar Holding, said “by combining the technology and expertise of both Rioglass Solar and Schott Solar, this transaction will propel us forward, enabling Rioglass Solar to meet customer demands across the industry and prepare the group for the next phases in the rapidly evolving and intensely competitive STE (also referred to as CSP) and CPV businesses. As such, it reemphasizes Rioglass Solar’s commitment to supporting its customers worldwide”.
The execution of the transaction is subject to regulatory approval and satisfaction of other customary conditions.
The transaction enables Rioglass Solar to deliver a more competitive technology in the STE (CSP) and CPV industries, enhancing its offering with two of the main components of STE and CPV plants, as well as solutions for the different types of technologies used in this industry such as Parabolic Trough technology, Central Receiver, Dish Stirling, Linear Fresnel, CPV, and industrial applications of concentrating technologies.
About Rioglass Solar:
Founded in 2007, Rioglass Solar has a leading position as HCE receiver and mirror supplier, with cutting edge production facilities in Spain, the United States, Israel, South Africa, Chile and China. Rioglass Solar has supplied more than seven million mirrors worldwide for Solar Thermal Energy (STE) and Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) technologies. Rioglass Solar was the first company to introduce to the market, among other products, tempered parabolic mirrors, HCE receivers of bigger diameter for large aperture troughs, and composite heliostat facets for tower plants.
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